Artificial Insanity
Christian Greet
Artificial Insanity — a perfect storm of chaos! Users are frustrated by limitations and errors. Artists are driven mad with fear. Companies are drunk on promises of profit. The media is thriving on the hype and many are left bewildered, unable to make sense of the complex technology. This is an attempt to shine a light onto generative AI in the advertising industry. An attempt to simplify the subject and help you understand it better. This is also an attempt at providing a middleground, that will leave you better informed, whether you think AI is the devil or a messiah.
Christian Greet
Creative Director

After studying graphic design film and animation, Christian worked as a freelancer before co-founding Cirkus a multi award winning animation house. Over the past 20 years he directed numerous commercials and brand campaigns for large international brands such as Coke AirBnB and McDonalds. He won a Cannes Lion and a D&AD Pencil for his art direction on Airbnb, best music video for Tahuna Breaks, as well as many other prestigious awards. The Cirkus brand has always stood for creativity and prestigious handcrafted dreams. But none of this would be possible without remaining at the forefront of technology. This is why AI, the newest frontier in computer imaging, is a focal point for Christian and his team.
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