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TMRRW BIZ SCHOOL is the latest addition to ADFEST, created to include marketers in ADFEST by creating a benefit for them here. TMRRW Biz School makes them the forward-thinking marketers of the future. 

“I have this belief - only good clients make great agencies,” states Jimmy Lam, President of ADFEST. “If you have a client who understands creativity, who craves creative communication and pushes the agency for a better creative product, the agency has to excuse not to create great work. TMRRW Biz School educates those great clients. And, surprisingly, delightfully, this year, we’ve had a huge demand for agency people to join.”
This short-term business school sets out to develop marketers and creatives for success in their life and careers. Not only are those who are accepted into the class given first-rate training from the top creative business professionals, they are also are given an opportunity to win an award and take the stage during the ADFEST awards ceremony on Saturday. This is a tremendous opportunity for anyone looking to expand his or her own knowledge and skills, then potentially return from ADFEST with tangible validation of their new skills. Every attendee also receives a certificate of completion after course completion.
Jimmy Lam and Guan Hin Tay opened TMRRW BIZ SCHOOL by thanking all of the attendees and reinforcing the fact that everyone there was part of the future of creative development. Over the course of four days, TMRRW BIZ SCHOOL provided students with thousands of dollars’ worth of training and guidance for free. The students also had a responsibility - to make the most of what was no ordinary business school. Each student was given a brief and the responsibility of developing a strategy for expanding the presence of ADFEST throughout additional industries and organisations. In order to be selected for the award, all students had to craft a pitch for their individual solution to present before the instructors and develop their idea into work that impressed the course tutors. It was an intense four days for the students. An instructive four days for the students. A valuable four days for the students. Hopefully, one that will help their careers to soar and, more importantly, help them to become the kinds of marketing leaders that business needs to take on the challenges of a fast-changing world.  

23 March, 2019            
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