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If you want to enjoy a long and prosperous career as a creative, then you’d better learn to use artificial intelligence – fast.


Dentsu Webchutney’s Vishal Sagar and Gurbaksh Singh are presenting at ADFEST 2019. The topic of their session is fascinating – if not a little terrifying! They point out that AI can already perform lots of creative tasks, and will have a radical impact on creative jobs of the future.


Sagar is an Engineer by qualification, but now works as Creative Director at Dentsu Webchutney in Gurgaon. Singh is the agency’s Chief Creative Technologist and creator of India’s first innovation lab within an advertising agency. Don’t miss their session at ADFEST 2019, which takes place on Wednesday 20th March at 11.50-12.25 as part of the Craft@ADFEST stream.


Let’s start with the big question everyone’s asking right now. Is AI going to steal the job of creatives?

There are many who believe that creativity is a trait unique only to humans. Nothing could be farther from the truth, considering that AI can paint, write, compose music, make movies and execute many other creative tasks, today. We have just scratched the surface of AI: it won’t completely take over the role of creatives yet. It, however, will take the role of the best creative collaborator ever.


What skills will creatives of the future need to have?

The human brain is a pattern recognizing and rearranging machine. It spots patterns, replicates them and creates new patterns too. Science, Mathematics and Economics are all built on patterns. Creativity is no different. Bots can replicate some of these patterns, if not all. ‘The Next Rembrandt’ showed us the patterns in Rembrandt’s work and how a bot was able to copy it successfully.


In the coming times, our perspective on creativity will change and our relationship with it too. The creatives of the future should be ready to use AI to their advantage. In our opinion, the biggest skill that creatives of the future need to learn is AI.


What do you hope people will learn from your talk at ADFEST 2019?

We hope to make people understand their own creative process in a better way. We will talk about creative process, patterns and the current state of AI. We will also touch upon what the future holds for creative people.


You are based in Gurgaon. Can you describe what Gurgaon is like – how does it inspire you creatively?

Gurgaon is a young city that is home to professionals from across the world. This means that we get to taste various cultures, which is great for creativity. Gurgaon is also very experimental in nature and at the same time, it is kind of unforgiving to mediocrity. It in many ways reflects the times we live in. Fast, dynamic and ever-changing.


Dentsu Webchutney was crowned the Digital and Mobile Agency of the Year at Goafest, India for the very first time last year. What’s the secret to its recent success?

A young and dynamic creative team. Focus on insightful work. Cutting-edge innovations. And client agency partnerships that push for great work that works. Also the fact that the Digital and Mobile Agency of the Year award was introduced for the first time at Goafest last year.


‘Ideas. Patterns & A.I.’ takes place on Wednesday 20th March at 11.50-12.25 at Craft@ADFEST 2019. Buy tickets via ADFEST.com 

25 February, 2019            
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